Sunday Morning and Afternoon of every BTF Event will be spent cleaning up the property. The penalties for leaving a messy property are severe and can lead to an inability to rent it and therefore a lack of a location to run Events -- therefore Prismatic Arts and Productions has very stringent rules on cleaning up.

What is a Participant’s Responsibility?

All participants are only required to clean up their sleeping and personal areas. This means that all trash must be put away, all belongings packed up, and any messes wiped clean. This includes one’s campsite, tents, bunks, etc. Because Game Staff typically rents the properties they use, Participants are expected to be packed up and ready to go by 11 AM — only those who are going to stay and help clean will be allowed past this point.

If a participant’s sleeping and personal areas have not been cleaned up, an investigation will ensue. If it has been proven that a participant has failed to clean up, they will be sanctioned -- continued failures to clean or especially egregious messes are subject to harsh penalties, up to permanent suspension from BTF or any Prismatic Arts and Productions ventures. 

HOw can I help?

With the effort of cleaning and the exhaustion of running an Event in mind, the Game Staff is always looking for assistance for clean up. This procedure involves tidying the interior of the buildings, the campgrounds, the fields, and every other portion of the rented property.

After tidying one’s personal and sleeping areas, a participant may volunteer their services to the Game Staff. This means informing Game Staff of their intent to help and receiving instructions on what to do — those who fulfill their instructions will be documented for a reward (see below). Those who stay and help until the Game Staff leaves will receive additional rewards for doing so.

Reward for Clean up Assistance

Participants (PCs and NPCs) who assist the Staff in cleaning up one area of the property will receive a substantial bonus:

  • +3 XP

  • 1 Basic Component

Reward for all day clean up assistance

Participants (PCs and NPCs) who assist the staff in cleaning up the entire camp and stay until the task is complete will receive the awards below instead.

  • +5 XP

  • 3 Basic Components (instead of 1 Component)