Kitchen Guidelines

Although juice and water will be available for consumption, BTF Game Staff will not be providing any meals except on special occasions. All Participants are expected to supply their own food and drink.

Kindly keep in mind that more than three dozen people may be at the same area with only one Kitchen. Thus, the Kitchen must be used with the following guidelines below:

-- SIGN UP TO USE: In order to use the Kitchen, you will need to sign up for a specific time slot (by the hour). This can be done as early as Pre-registration or as late as Sign-in, but this is on a first-come, first-serve basis. To sign up, send an email to

-- BRING COOKWARE: Similarly, while you can use the Kitchen appliances, you must use your own cookware (e.g. pots, pans, spatulas, etc). You may not use the ones from the Camp’s Kitchen.

-- LABEL COOKWARE: For the sake of clarity, please label the cookware that you bring to camp and have a checklist of what cookware you brought.

-- CLEAN UP: After using the Kitchen, please clean up any messes, spills, and the like. This is as a courtesy for the next person and for the Game Staff who need to clean the camp before leaving on Sunday.

-- AVOID KITCHEN: When it is not your time to use the Kitchen, please stay out of it unless you are Game Staff or the current users allow you to do so.

-- SIGN UP FOR FRIDGE: In order to use the fridge, you will also need to sign up for fridge space. While not food-related, this is also the case for those who need to refrigerate medications.

-- MICROWAVE USE: The Microwave may be used at any time, although if there is someone using the Kitchen, please secure their permission first. Kindly ensure that any messes in the Microwave are cleaned up before you let someone else use it. Also, please be mindful of the fact that other people are in the kitchen and in the camp when choosing what kind of food to microwave.

-- DISPOSAL RULES: Please do not throw out the Camp’s cookware. If you have to throw away your cookware, kindly bag them and deposit them at the Parking Lot dumpster.

If you have any questions on site, there'll be an in-game Innkeeper around to help you out!