What to Bring

When you come to your first event, there will be a few things you will need to have with you. You may want to bring a few camping essentials, and be ready for seasonal changes.

  1. Sleeping bag, blow-up mattress or cot plus pillows and blankets (an electric blanket would be a good idea for the colder months).

  2. Lots of water

  3. Food, including snacks and any cooking materials you require. Please have food items contained, whether in a cooler or other container to prevent attracting animals. 

  4. Baby wipes (helps with keeping some freshness through the weekend)

  5. Toiletries and any other showering necessities (toilet paper, tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, shampoo, brush, body spray, contact lens supplies etc.)

  6. Trash bags (to clean up your general area)

  7. Flashlight or lantern (don't forget batteries)

  8. Bug spray

  9. Sunscreen

  10. Any needed medications, including ibuprofen or similar over the counter medications

  11. Attendance fees

  12. Weaponry props (if your character uses them), spell packets, and ammunition for your weaponry

  13. Appropriate clothing and all weather gear for the season:

  • Character costume and any character-required items

  • Pajamas or other sleeping clothing

  • Black clothing for NPC duty

  • Comfortable clothing to change into for Sunday

  • Worn boots/sneakers for comfort and utility, preferably waterproof

  • thermal shirt and pants plus  gloves, scarf, hat, wool socks (for colder months)

  • Extra socks, some more socks, two more days worth of socks and extra underwear

  • Rain gear (poncho, rain jacket or just extra clothes/costumes to wear if you get wet)

Optional 1: Tent:if you decide to bring a tent do not forget a tarp for underneath, hammer and spikes.

Optional 2: Camp decorations (to have your camp area look more in-game)

This is just a basic guideline for BTF’s participants. As participants gain experience in  packing for each event, they become knowledgeable in the things that they will need and things that are not necessary.